
Saturday, July 28, 2012

YouTube Channels For Beginning Violinists

YouTube has come a long way since its started. And now, more and more people are tuning in to YouTube not just for movies and series, but for how-tos and tutorials as well.


I cannot remember exactly how I found Beth's ViolinLab channel in YouTube a year ago. All I can recall is that I wanted to have an online violin lesson and I was looking at beginning tutorials in YouTube. I bought my Hofer around May last year and I absolutely have no idea what to do with it.

So, after numerous search, I found Beth and her violin bow hold tutorial. I have to say it was the most complete and thorough tutorial I've had the pleasure of watching. Beth's got loads of video up for you to look at, and that's just a mere drop in the ocean compared to the videos she's got in

Violin Lessons with Todd Ehle

Another YouTube violin channel that got my interest was Todd Ehle, and I was really surprised when I saw him as one of the violin professors present in Beth's ViolinLab workshop. Through member's shared pictures, of course.

He's pretty technical, thorough, and very relaxed in his tutorials. I occasionally find his YouTube tutorials sort of dragging, but that's just me being impatient and wanting him to get on with the point of the lesson. However, if you have the patience and the discipline to listen to him, his "lengthy" Youtube violin lessons can really be handy and useful.

Allysons Violin Studio

Allyson's goal is to help give you some supplemental knowledge on how you should practice your piece, while giving you strict notes that you should still follow your teacher's methods if her methods are different. Her channel has violin tutorials that include playthroughs and practice tips for Suzuki Books 1-3, and more.

Itzhak Perlman on YouTube 

Of course, I saved the best for last. This great maestro actually has his own YouTube channel! He is also a great inspiration for all of us because he has become a successful violinist even though he's been handicapped because of polio. He is a very busy man, but he does take the time to answer questions that have been emailed to him on his Facebook page.

I'm sure that there are other YouTube channels out there that can help beginning violinists.  If you wish to add a channel to this list, please feel free to leave a comment.

See you around.

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